Hessen Tanzt 2023 in Frankfurt

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The following pictures have been taken with a digital through-the-lens camera (Canon EOS 6D Mark II).

With a mouseclick the pictures can be shown in a bigger size.

All pictures are copyrighted by the photographer (which is the webmaster if not otherwise noted) !

If you are interested in some of the pictures in full resolution, just send me an eMail (webmaster@rpanther.de).
For your information there is also a detailled Pricelist.

Standard Latin
WDSF Open Junior II (pictures available soon) WDSF Open Junior II (pictures available soon)
WDSF Open Youth (pictures available soon) WDSF Open Youth (pictures available soon)
WDSF Rising Star (pictures available soon) WDSF Rising Star (pictures available soon)
WDSF International Open (pictures available soon) WDSF International Open (pictures available soon)
WDSF Open Senior I (pictures available soon) WDSF Open Senior I (89 pictures)
WDSF Open Senior II (pictures available soon) WDSF Open Senior II (98 pictures)
WDSF Open Senior III (pictures available soon)  
WDSF Open Senior IV (pictures available soon) Other (pictures available soon)

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Photographed by Robert Panther